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Banca Ifis, the Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2022 Financial Statements and the distribution of a dividend of 0,40 Euro per share for FY 2022

  • 2022 draft financial statements approved
  • Approval given for distribution of a dividend, as balance for FY 2022, of 0,40 Euro per share

Milan, 20 April 2023 – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Banca Ifis S.p.A., which met today in single call, chaired by Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio in accordance with the applicable provisions, and hence in the manner set out in Art. 106 of Decree-Law no. 18 of 17 March 2020, approved, during the ordinary session:

  • the 2022 annual financial statements;
  • the distribution to shareholders of a dividend of 0,40 Euro, as balance for FY 2022, gross of any withholding taxes, per share, with ex-dividend date (coupon no. 27) on 22 May 2023, record date on 23 May 2023 and payment on 24 May 2023. It should be recalled that in November 2022, an interim dividend of 1 Euro per share had already been distributed for FY 2022;
  • Section I of the document “Report on the Remuneration Policy and on remuneration paid” prepared in accordance with Art. 123-ter of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998. The Shareholders’ Meeting also resolved in favour of Section II of the aforementioned document relating to the implementation of remuneration policies during FY 2022;
  • the amendment to certain provisions of the “2021-2023 LTI Plan”.

In addition, the ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved the appointment of the Founder, Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg, as Honorary Chairman of Banca Ifis for an indefinite term, entrusting the Board of Directors – with the support of the Remuneration Committee and an independent third-party consultant expert in the field – with the task of determining his remuneration within the limits set by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

“Today’s Shareholders’ Meeting consecrates my father as Honorary Chairman of the Bank he founded, marking an unprecedented year of results for Banca Ifis. This confirms the Bank’s ability to create value for small and medium enterprises and all stakeholders, and rewards the training and investment in Ifis People. This is the result of the work of a young and diversity-conscious team that, thanks to the new governance processes and the numerous sustainability initiatives included in our rich social agenda, has also allowed us to generate a positive impact for the territories and communities where we operate”, says Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, Chairman of Banca Ifis.

Lastly, today’s extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved the amendments to Articles 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14 and 20 of Banca Ifis’ Articles of Association.

By Order No. 0697752/23 of 18 April 2023, the Bank of Italy ascertained, pursuant to Article 56 of Legislative Decree No. 385 of 1 September 1993, that said amendments are not in conflict with the criterion of health, prudent management. The updated version of the Articles of Association is available on the Bank’s website under Corporate Governance > Reports and Documents.

The minutes of today’s Shareholders’ Meeting and the summary statement of voting, containing the number of shares represented at the Meeting and the shares for which votes were cast, the percentage of capital that these shares represented, as well as the number of votes for and against the resolutions, and the number of abstentions, will be made available to the public by the deadlines provided for by the regulations in force, at the Bank’s registered office, via Terraglio 63 – 30174 Venezia Mestre, on the authorised eMarket Storage mechanism (www.emarketstorage.com), as well as on the Bank’s website (www.bancaifis.it) in the section Corporate Governance > Shareholders’ Meeting.