Banca Ifis, the Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2023 Financial Statements and the distribution of a dividend of 0,90 Euro per share for FY 2023

  • 2023 Financial Statements approved.
  • The distribution of a final dividend for FY 2023 of 0,90 Euro per share has been approved, in addition to the interim dividend of 1,2 Euro per share already resolved upon presentation of the results for the first 9 months of 2023. In total, for FY 2023, the Bank is distributing a dividend of 2,1 Euro per outstanding share.


Mestre (Venice), 18 April 2024 – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Banca Ifis S.p.A., which met today in single call, chaired by Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio in accordance with the applicable provisions, and hence in the manner set out in Art. 106 of Decree-Law no. 18 of 17 March 2020, approved, during the ordinary session:

  • the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2023;
  • the distribution of a balance on the dividend for FY 2023 of 0,90 Euro, gross of withholding taxes, for each of the Banca Ifis shares issued and outstanding. This 2023 dividend balance will be paid with ex-dividend date 20 May 2024, record date of 21 May 2024 and payment date of 22 May 2024;
  • Section I of the document “Report on the Remuneration Policy and on remuneration paid” prepared in accordance with Art. 123-ter of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998. The Shareholders’ Meeting also resolved in favour of Section II of the aforementioned document relating to the implementation of remuneration policies during FY 2023;
  • the proposal by the majority shareholder La Scogliera SA to appoint Nicola Borri as a new independent director, to replace the resigning director Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg, who, as honorary chairman, continues to participate in corporate and board life under the terms of the Articles of Association. Prof. Borri will remain in office until the natural expiry of the Board of Directors currently in office, i.e. until the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for FY 2024.


“In 2023, Banca Ifis achieved important results from an economic, industrial and sustainability perspective, reaching new highs in terms of profitability, with net profit at 160 million Euro, which, net of PPA, makes for an all-time record for the Bank. These results were accompanied by the Bank’s ability to generate value for the communities, consistent with the double bottom line approach that characterises our way of banking: creating profit and, at the same time, value for the territories. This approach has resulted in social investments – 7 million Euro over the three-year period 2022-2024 – and more than 30 initiatives implemented with the aim of developing projects with a high social impact. On the strength of these results, we will continue to work in the coming months with the aim of creating value for our country’s small and medium-sized enterprises and for all our stakeholders”, says Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, Chairman of Banca Ifis.

“2023 was a year of strong acceleration for Banca Ifis which saw us engaged in expanding the commercial offer, continuing the digital transformation path and consolidating the acquisition of Revalea Spa, that allowed us to achieve the targets set in the 2022-24 Business Plan in the field of Npls a whole year and a half ahead of schedule. Thanks to the achievement of 160 million euros of profits derived from industrial activities and the new dividend policy desired by Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, our Chair, we have increased our capacity to remunerate shareholders, and are now at the top of the market in terms of dividend yield. Despite an uncertain macroeconomic environment, we look forward to the coming months with confidence as we continue along the development path outlined in the Business Plan”, says Frederik Geertman, CEO of Banca Ifis.

After the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Bank’s Board of Directors met and verified that the director Nicola Borri met the suitability requirements set forth for the assumption of the office, including the independence requirements pursuant to Article 148, paragraph 3, of the Consolidated Law on Finance – as referred to in Article 147-ter, paragraph 4, of the Consolidated Law on Finance – and the Corporate Governance Code. As of today, Prof. Borri is not a holder of shares in the Bank; his CV is available on the Bank’s website ( in the section Corporate Governance > Shareholders’ Meeting.

The minutes of today’s Shareholders’ Meeting and the summary statement of voting, containing the number of shares represented at the Meeting and the shares for which votes were cast, the percentage of capital that these shares represented, as well as the number of votes for and against the resolutions, and the number of abstentions, will be made available to the public by the deadlines provided for by the regulations in force, at the Bank’s registered office, via Terraglio 63 – 30174 Venezia Mestre, on the authorised eMarket Storage mechanism (, as well as on the Bank’s website ( in the section Corporate Governance > Shareholders’ Meeting.