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Banca Ifis, the Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2020 financial statements and a dividend of 0,47 Euro per share

  • Frederik Geertman appointed as Chief Executive Officer
  • Monica Regazzi joins the Board as independent director: female representation on the Bank’s board rises to 41%


Mestre (Venice) 22 April 2021 – The ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Banca Ifis, which met today in single call, chaired by Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg in accordance with the applicable provisions, and hence in the manner set out in Art. 106 of Decree-Law no. 18 of 17 March 2020, approved:

  • the 2020 annual financial statements;
  • the distribution of a gross dividend of 0,47 Euro per share, deducted from shareholders’ equity as at 31 December 2020. The amount will be payable starting 26 May 2021 with record date on 25 May 2021 and ex-dividend date (no. 23) of 24 May 2021. Payment will be made through the authorised financial intermediaries with which the shares are registered on the Monte Titoli System;
  • Section I of the document “Report on the remuneration policy” prepared in accordance with Art. 123-ter of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998. The Shareholders’ Meeting also resolved in favour of Section II of the aforementioned document relating to the implementation of remuneration policies during FY 2020;
  • the confirmation as Chief Executive Officer of Frederik Geertman, who had already been co-opted as a director on 11 February 2021 and whose appointment was proposed by the Board of Directors;
  • the proposal by the majority shareholder La Scogliera S.p.A. to appoint Monica Regazzi as new independent director, to replace the resigning director Luciano Colombini. With the entry of Ms Regazzi, the female representation in the Board of Directors rises to 41% (5 out of 12 members). These directors will remain in office until the natural expiry of the Board of Directors currently in office, i.e. until the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for FY 2021;
  • the integration of fees to the independent auditors for FYs 2019 and 2020.

The Board of Directors, which met at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting, appointed Frederik Geertman as Chief Executive Officer of Banca Ifis, granting him the relevant powers.
Mr Geertman will lead the Group’s development and digitisation, developing synergies between the Bank’s different business lines, which have recently been expanded further.

Frederik Geertman, 50 years old, graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Delft University of Technology in Holland and achieved an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. From 2016 to date, he has held the position of Deputy General Manager and Chief Commercial Officer of UBI Banca, coordinating nationally-important economic and industrial relaunch operations. Before this, he spent almost ten years with the international banking group UniCredit, amongst others as Head of Global Marketing and Segment Management for various European countries and as Manager responsible for the Italian network of branches for Families and SMEs. He began his professional career with a leading strategic consulting firm, McKinsey & Co., first in Holland and thereafter in Italy. During his career, Mr Geertman has driven the digitisation of customers’ relations with an omni-channel approach, at the same time increasing the commercial productivity of the companies in which he operated through the redesign of the organisation and commercial processes.

Frederik Geertman succeeds Luciano Colombini who, on 21 December 2020, announced that he was relinquishing his mandate as Director, including his delegations, in the parent company with effect from 22 April 2021. Today, Mr Colombini also resigned from his role as director in the subsidiaries.