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Approved the results for the first 3 months of 2017 Net banking income at 102,3 million Euro (+33,5%), profit for the period at 32,7 million Euro (+48,3%). Excellent credit quality of loans to SMEs .

Inside information

“Both the Interbanca integration and the results are positive, we look to the future with the intention to continue improving and growing.”
CEO Giovanni Bossi

Highlights – 1st Quarter 2017 Results.

Net banking income: 102,3 million Euro (+33,5%);
Net profit from financial activities: 102,1 million Euro (+49,4%);
Operating costs: 56,4 million Euro (+57,5%);
Profit for the period: 32,7 million Euro (+48,3%);
Credit risk cost of the loans to SMEs segment: 48 bps;
SMEs net bad-loan ratio (excluding NPL Area): unchanged at 1,3%;
SMEs gross bad-loan coverage ratio: 91,9% (92,0%);
Total Group employees: 1.361 people (1.323 at 31 December 2016)
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1): 15,4% (15,7% al 31 December 2016) 2;
Total Own Funds Capital Ratio: 15,4% (15,7% al 31 December 2016)2.

Mestre (Venice) – 11 May 2017
The Board of Directors of Banca IFIS met today under the chairmanship of Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg and approved the financial results for the first quarter of 2017. “Banca IFIS is on a roll and determined to achieve excellent results across all businesses, consistently with its plans and in line with market expectations,” said Giovanni Bossi, Banca IFIS CEO. “In the first three months of 2017 we achieved our targets: we increased the number of customers across all businesses; our lending process was excellent, in compliance with the three pillars (control of profitability, liquidity, and capital absorption) that drive all the Group’s operations; the integration of the new segments (leasing and corporate banking) – added to the Banca IFIS Group with the acquisition of the former GE Capital Interbanca Group – is proving effective, with the individual business units showing a positive trend and expected to improve rapidly thanks to cross-selling. As a result of the strategic repositioning that started with the acquisition, we increased our market share in the various businesses as well as generated innovative financing arrangements in terms of customers and markets, in line with the 2017-2019 strategic plan. We will continue developing the acquired business segments, executing the planned mergers of IFIS Factoring and Interbanca in Banca IFIS in the second half of the year. We will complete the migration to the new core banking platform, which will become operational by the end of the first six months of 2017, and continue working steadily on new technologies to support the lending process and banking services. We are working for a strategy to diversify funding sources as well as entering the bond market through a bond issue, as approved by the Board of Directors and in line with the 2017-2019 strategic plan”.

Read the entire press release
Consolidated interim repost at 31 march 2017
Presentation 1Q 2017 Banca IFIS Financial Results

1 Net value adjustments in the NPL Area, totalling 8,2 million Euro at 31 March 2017 compared to 2,8 million Euro at 31 March 2016, were reclassified to interest receivable and similar income to present more fairly this particular business, for which net value adjustments represent an integral part of the return on the investment.
2 The reported total own funds refers only to the scope of the Banca IFIS Group, thus excluding the effects of the prudential consolidation in the parent La Scogliera S.p.A. Consolidated own funds, riskweighted assets and solvency ratios at 31 March 2017 were determined based on the regulatory principles set out in Directive 2013/36/EU (CRD IV) and Regulation (EU) 575/2013 (CRR) dated 26 June 2013, which were transposed in the Bank of Italy’s Circulars no. 285 and 286 of 17 December 2013. Article 19 of the CRR requires to include the unconsolidated holding of the banking Group in prudential consolidation. The CET1 at 31 March 2017 including La Scogliera S.p.A. amounted to 14,0%, compared to 14,7% at 31 December 2016, while the Total Own Funds ratio totalled 14,9%, compared to 15,3% at 31 December 2016.